
Today's Gospel: Luke 21:5-11

Jesus sure has a way to make people uncomfortable.

And we shouldn't forget that, when we're tempted to make him into a Big Teddy Bear Loveable Guy. Don't get me wrong: he is that. But he's also more. Much, much more.

In today's Gospel, Jesus foretells the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and who can blame the Jews for wanting to have a sign to prepare? The Temple was not only a marvel of the ancient world, but the center of their faith lives. Its destruction was no small thing.

And yet, isn't it true that, so often, the most beautiful and amazing times in our lives are accompanied by fear and discomfort? I can't help but remember bringing my first child home. My husband and I set the car seat down on the end table in the living room and looked at each other. "Now what?"

It was exhilarating. And it was terrifying.

I also remember when that same child, at age five, seemed to have a stroke. Half of her body was paralyzed after a major seizure. Two squads came to our house, and as I followed them to the hospital 45 minutes away, I couldn't help but think that my life could be very, very different. My husband later told me that, as he rode in the ambulance holding her hand, he faced his worst fear: that our daughter would die.

God was with us in both of those times, and in all the many times between and since. He's also with us as a nation and as a people of faith. He invites us to trust, however uncomfortable it is. He promises us great things, though we may face terror and heartache.

It's not easy to trust. In fact, I usually find it nearly impossible. But God's there with me, even so. All I have to do is lean back into his arms.


When do I need to trust God? How can I turn over a worry or concern in my life to him today?


Lord, thank you for the gift of my life and all of the blessings it holds. Help me to trust that you are always with me, no matter what hurdles and challenges I face. Amen.

Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard