
Do you want to know how to get stains out of a white shirt? (Or out of anything?)

It’s a good thing I don’t shop at expensive clothing stores, because most of my tops become one-wear disposables since I can’t seem to remember to throw on an apron when I’m cooking, or lean over my plate a little more when eating.  As a real foodie, I like my meals dripping with butter, you know, so that doesn’t bode well for my shirts either.  This can get expensive!

When Branch Basics sent me some of their cleaning solution, they said that along with the many different cleaning applications, it can also get out set in clothing stains, but I didn’t believe it.  I’ve tried all the natural stuff and the crappy store brand stain removal potions, and nothing has been able to get all my stains out.  I’d be embarrassed to tell you how many shirts I’ve thrown away, it’s so wasteful!

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Copyright 2014, Kelly the Kitchen Kop