rosary-on-bible-1427670-sBut God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Saint Augustine gave a sermon once in which he proposed a kind of self-test to see if we truly love God; Suppose God proposed you a deal and said “I will give you anything you want.  You can possess the whole world. Nothing will be impossible for you…nothing will be a sin, nothing forbidden.  You will never die, never have pain, never have anything you do not want and always have anything you do want….except for one thing;  you will never see my face.”  St. Augustine closed with a question; did a chill arise in your hearts, when you heard the words, “You will never see my face”? That chill is the most precious thing in you; that is the pure love of God.

Every time I read the wise words of this story I get such a wave of desire…desire to try harder to be holy!  I realize after reading St. Augustine’s words I have a renewed sense of purpose…a new strength…a new hope.  I think we work so hard at doing the “right thing” maybe we forget just what we’re working for.  It’s easy to get into the habit of doing good things so others will think we’re “nice”.  In the words of our former parish priest, Fr. James, “nowhere in the bible are we called to be nice!”  We are called to be holy, called to be uncomfortable, called to realize sometimes the Gospel’s hit us sideways…and that’s ok! We are called to do the hard work of following Christ…being His hands and feet on earth and that, as we all know, isn’t always easy.  There are days, when that offer from God St. Augustine talked about seems like a great idea!  Those are the times we need to set out with new energy to do His work and know it isn’t without great blessing and reward.

I read this story tonight and then I told the room full of teenagers listening, “Our number one task is to get to heaven!  Everything we do, say, listen to, watch and everyone we hang out with will either help us get there, or draw us away so pay attention!” The temptation is there to think one little thing here or there won’t matter but it’s still a step away from our task.  The most powerful thing I can think of to make those decisions easier is to remember what’s waiting for us in heaven…the face of God.  That’s something worth fighting for…that trumps everything!  We just have to remember it!

A Seed To Plant: Print the words from St. Augustine’s sermon and read them every day this week.  I’m willing to bet if you let them really sink into your heart, living the Gospel message will have a new meaning!

Blessings on your day!

Copyright, Sheri Wohlfert 2015

Image: Rosary on Bible: