homepage picture with logoOne of my favorite aspects of working with our writers at CatholicMom.com is seeing the amazing ideas, projects and apostolates they create. So today, I'm thrilled to bring you the great news about Catholic Conference 4 Moms, the brainstorm of one of our long term contributors Tami Kiser. I hope you'll take a few moments to check out what she's developed and that you'll plan to be a part of this awesome learning and spiritual development opportunity, created just for YOU! Lisa

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself and your family to our readers.

Hi. I am Tami Kiser. I have 10 children, 5 grandchildren, and two of my grandchildren are older than my youngest child. We have young adult drama, teen drama, and toddler drama often happening simultaneously in our home. From one night to the next, I never know how many places to set at the dinner table. My grown children often stop by with friends, curiously around dinnertime. And I wouldn't change it for the world!

CC4Moms Ad 165 by 150Q: Tell us all about the Catholic Conference 4 Moms and why it is different from other women's conferences?

We all love to go to conferences. They recharge and revitalize us. However, sometimes its next to impossible to attend one. They may be far away, cost too much money, and (usually my excuse) just too much energy needed to figure out the logistics of whose watching the kids and driving them to what game, etc. This conference is brought to you in the comfort and convenience of your own home. And unlike other online conferences or seminars you might have attended, this one is recorded ahead of time. Moms get to decide which talks they want to watch and when they want to watch them. If you start a presentation at nap time while folding laundry and get interrupted, you can finish that presentation later in the kitchen while making dinner, and if you get interrupted then, you can finish the presentation after the kids go to bed. Let's face it, this is typically how moms get a chance watch or read something. And this one runs during a weekend in Lent--March 6-9.

What motivated you to create this conference?

I think I can honestly say that this was a Holy Spirit prompting. I saw a similar conference online and thought to myself, that would be great for Catholic Moms. But who should do it? Should I? No. But I kept thinking about. Could I do it? Yes, I could! At that point I offered it all to Mary. And with her intercession and a lot of work, here I am a couple weeks before the conference ready to go!


What are your hopes for those who will attend?

My hope is that mothers will be revived. I pray that from the witnesses of these speakers that they, too can come closer to Jesus Christ, especially as they are learning to better live out their vocations to motherhood.

How can people sign up and get involved?

And did I mention that it is free! Please sign up today at http://www.catholicconference4moms.com/register.html You have nothing to lose since you get to pick which presentations you want to hear.

Becoming an affiliate is another way to become involved in the conference. Part of the reason for doing this conference is to show moms that there are some excellent ways to connect and learn from other moms via the internet. (CatholicMom.com is a great example!) Other blogs, websites, ministries, and businesses who support mothers and families have agreed to help spread the good news about this conference to their audiences and in return, they will receive a few affiliate perks.

Are there any additional thoughts you would like to share with our readers?

Spending too much time on the internet, looking at screens instead of at the faces of our children is a real problem for many moms. Many of the presenters address this problem and give some helpful solutions. The last thing I want is for our screens to take us away from our families. Another problem of mothers is isolation. An online conference can give some great ideas and even some inspiration, but it cannot help mothers who feel alone. This is certainly a shortcoming of an online conference. Moms need other real live moms!!! I want to offer a solution.

I am offering the conference for sale after the free conference is over for three good reasons:

-to help recoup some of the costs (please help me out here!)
-to help the affiliates with their expenses of their blogs, ministries, and businesses (they can earn some money, too, but selling these for me!)
-but most importantly, to encourage moms to get together in a group setting to discuss some of these presentations. Moms groups can pick the ones they want to view, show it during their meeting, and break into discussion groups to talk about it. Discussion questions will be included.

There will also be other downloads, videos, podcasts, coupons, ebooks, not available during the free conference that will be included in the purchased conference package. All for one low price! If you ever wanted to start a support group, maybe this will be a great opportunity. Great friendships can develop out of these types of mom's groups.

For more information go to: www.CatholicConference4Moms.com