Exciting news! Our next Book Club kicks off THIS SATURDAY, February 28, and we're going to be talking about a NOVEL! As in a WORK OF FICTION!
(As the avid fiction reader in these parts, I'm just a WEE BIG HUGELY excited, can you tell?)
We're reading The Accidental Marriage, by Roger Thomas.
What does heroism look like? When does friendship become too costly? Do we ever truly touch one another, or are we doomed to walk alone forever? Can love survive trials, or does it inevitably wither and die?
The Accidental Marriage is a contemporary story that explores these questions through vibrant, sympathetic characters whose struggles and triumphs illustrate that love doesn't always look like you would expect.
Scott and Megan are friends who live and work in the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area. Mostly contented with their jobs and same-sex relationships, they meet for lunch and sympathetic conversation from time to time.
When Megan's partner wants a baby, Scott offers to help. The ensuing complications force Scott and Megan to grapple with how much they're willing to sacrifice for friendship and for the child they've conceived. When Megan's situation unravels, Scott must step up to responsibilities he's never assumed before. Then his circumstances start to crumble, and a series of misfortunes strip them of everything but each other.
Join us on Saturdays beginning February 28, 2015, as we explore and discuss this novel.
Here’s how it will work:
We’ll post a reflection each week on Saturdays. We have a team of writers who will be reflecting on each chapter and posting discussion questions. You’re welcome to read along with us.
You can participate in a few ways:
1. Read along.
2. Leave comments on each post with your thoughts and impressions or even take a stab at the discussion questions.
3. Interact with other commenters.
4. Share the posts and the discussion in your real-life networks and/or your social networks.
Our reading schedule:
(We'll link to the posts as they are posted. The links won't work until that Saturday.)
- February 28 - Book Club Kickoff - Interview with author Roger Thomas
- March 7 - Chapters 1-2
- March 14 - Chapters 3-6
- March 21 - Chapters 7-8
- March 28 - Chapters 9-11
- April 4 - Chapters 12-14
- April 11 - Chapters 15-16
- April 18 - Chapters 17-18
- April 25 - Chapter 19
Note: don't leave a comment here, on this page. You need to click through to the actual weekly posts for discussion.
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About the Author

Sarah Reinhard
When she’s not chasing kids, chugging coffee, or juggling work, Sarah Reinhard’s usually trying to stay up read just one … more … chapter. She writes and works in the midst of rural farm life with little ones underfoot. She is part of the team for the award-winning Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, as well as the author of a number of books.