Grave Photo via Morguefile

This week is Holy Week for Christians. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and finally the Resurrection.

On Holy Thursday, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and told us that He would be with us always.

On Good Friday, He showed us how to suffer through the worst of all deaths, the excruciating death of an innocent man through the conniving of greedy and selfish people--a suffering He allowed, for us.

And on Easter Sunday, He rose from the tomb into which evil cast Him.

He rose because no grave could hold Him. No grave could silence Him. No grave could keep Him from us, his beloved--each one of us.

Jesus Christ showed us the way that any one of us can be resurrected as well. First, by our sincere desire for it. Second, by repentance of our sins and a decision to change our behavior. And third, by being open to the Mercy of God, our Father.

The question is: Do we want a life beyond our earthly grave? Do we want to be resurrected?

Resurrection is defined in the dictionary as the act of causing something that had ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again, to be used again, etc.

We come into this world innocent, and nothing can change that we're made in the image and likeness of God. Part of each one of us is spiritual, like it or not. And it is that spirituality that draws us to God.

But we've also been given a free will by our Creator. We can make choices, and some of those choices are wrong ones that steer us away from the inborn spirituality God set in us, and toward a dead end, where we often have no desire to change, or re-charge ourselves. Many of us are fine with our lives as we're living them. Yet we want eternal life.

Eternal life is the promise of a loving God. In order to receive it, we must resurrect ourselves in the here and now. We must choose, by our own will, an end to our sins.

So that no grave can hold us. No grave can silence us. No grave can keep us from the God who loves us.

Copyright 2015 Kaye Park Hinckley
Photo via Morguefile