Five dozen eggs for dyeing
Leg of lamb for the Holy Thursday Seder
Spiral-sliced ham for Easter
Black jelly beans for Mom
Pretty standard stuff for a Holy Week shopping list, wouldn’t you say? But look a little farther down the list and you’ll find that things get weird.
Marshmallows for Jesus
And weirder still.
Embalming spices
Let me explain.
Years ago, I came across a clever recipe that invited hands-on engagement and good, clean – albeit sticky – fun, along with an opportunity to teach young children the resurrection story in a memorable way. That recipe, known in our family as Resurrection Buns, has been prepared in our kitchen long enough to have been a teaching tool for my two youngest children. But although all of my kids are now too old to be mystified by the surprise outcome of the recipe, they're not too old to delight in it! They insist that we keep the preparation of Resurrection Buns a Holy Saturday tradition. So, for all foreseeable Holy Weeks, my shopping list will continue to be a little … unusual.
Below is the recipe for Resurrection Buns. You will find that there is a Bible citation given for each step. A parent or older sibling may read the Scripture passages while the younger children assemble the Resurrection Buns.
Resurrection Buns
For each child, prepare the following:
- One refrigerated crescent roll (symbolizing the burial cloth)
- One standard-size marshmallow (symbolizing Jesus’ body)
- One tablespoon butter, melted (symbolizing oil of anointing)
- One tablespoon cinnamon-sugar mixture (symbolizing embalming spices)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Have each child dip his marshmallow in melted butter, then in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. (Read John 19: 38-39)
Instruct each child to center his coated marshmallow on a flattened crescent roll, then gently stretch the dough over the marshmallow, pressing dough edges together to fully enclose the marshmallow. N.B. Two dough triangles may be used if one is not sufficient to completely cover the marshmallow. (Read John 19:40)
Place filled crescent rolls on a foil-lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. After the rolls are removed from the oven, allow them to cool for a full five minutes, as melted marshmallow can burn tender fingers. While rolls are cooling, read Luke 24:1-6. When the children break open their rolls – or “burial cloths” – they will find that the rolls are empty, and that “Jesus’ body” is no longer there. He is risen!
Copyright 2015 by Celeste Behe
Image: Morguefile
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