Today we welcome singer/songwriter Andrea Thomas as a guest columnist at Andrea has begun a Kickstarter campaign to fund the recording of her new album. Watch her video, listen to her songs and consider supporting a young and dedicated Catholic musician! --Barb

I recently read an article written by a palliative nurse who cared for the dying for many years. During their last days, she would often ask her patients if they had any regrets in life that they would do differently if they had the chance. There were five common themes she found, but the number one regret she found across the board was this: They wished they had lived with more courage.

Life, as we know so well, is short. It’s also a very uncertain ride. There are ups and downs, and quite frankly I get it when people are fearful or anxious in the world we live in. There’s alot to worry about! But more than anything in scripture, Jesus tells us not to fear. This isn’t a nice suggestion or an option we can take or leave like whip cream on a latte (though why anyone would hold the cream, I do not know).
No, this is a command. This is a way of living if we are to follow Christ. It is The Way.

Believe me when I tell you, I know a thing or two about fear and lack of courage. And I’ve given into it more often than I like to admit. But the times I have refused to fear, the times that I have trusted that God would provide for me...those are times that I have felt most alive and when I have felt closest to Him.

crying out to youI remember when I released my first music album three years ago. I was afraid. I was doing it all on my own, but I felt so called to do it. I remember saying, “Lord, I don’t have the resources for what you’re asking me to do. I’m afraid to put myself out there.” I immediately heard Him say to me, “You don’t have the resources, but I do.” Sure enough, once I committed to working my hardest on that album and was totally myself and raw in my songwriting, I had everything I needed. It was a really amazing experience. To be in the midst of Providence! But this is not just something God has for a select few. He is Providential in all of our lives and in every area, if we let Him be.

That album was called Crying Out To You, and I was humbled to tears receiving emails and letters on how that album affected people. You see, God was faithful. He knew what I needed. And He provided. But that doesn’t take away the scariness of it all!

Sometimes life takes a direction we do not perceive or anticipate. I honestly didn’t think that album would be the start of a music career, but it was. And now, I feel that tug again. It is time to get back into the studio and record my second album. Yes, that same fear comes into my heart, but is assured once more by His voice that tells me to relax and trust Him. I was going over all the songs I’ve written in the past 3 years, and guess what the common theme is? Overcoming Fear. Ohhhhhh the irony.Andrea Thomas kickstarter 2And so, I humbly invite you to consider joining me in this project. It’s very scary to put myself “out there,” especially when I have only a certain number of days to raise funds for this album. But I am so excited to share it with you, that the vulnerability is worth it. There’s great rewards, too, for anyone who would like to pledge. I am committing to praying for EACH person who donates and/or prays for this project. Click here to view my short video

We are commanded not to fear. It’s part of being fully alive. It’s part of glorifying God. It’s part of being Christian. Is God inviting you into something new? Is He tugging on your heart to, perhaps, trust Him in a radical way? I challenge you to choose against the fear. And then, I hope and pray you won’t have the regret of wishing that you had lived with more courage when it’s time for you to leave this world. Because by then, it will be too late.

andrea thomas headshotAndrea Thomas is a Cincinnati, Ohio native who left her hometown at the age of 18 to study music at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Soon thereafter, she auditioned and was casted for Veggietales Rockin Tour Live! 2006 tour and, as the lead, toured to 50 cities throughout the United States and Canada. After the conclusion of the tour, Andrea returned to Franciscan University near Pittsburgh to finish her degree in Theology, Finance, and Marketing. Andrea's passion for music led her to start an all-women's singing group at Franciscan University which performed regularly throughout her three years on campus. It was during this time that she began writing her own music. In 2011 she debuted with multi-platinum, country music mega star, Collin Raye, on his first inspirational album, His Love Remains. Several months later, Andrea released her first album, Crying Out to You, on December 8, 2011. Andrea travels and sings both solo and with Collin Raye at concerts and conferences throughout the United States. She currently is in the process of recording her second album, which explores the topic of fear in our lives and choosing to overcoming that fear. She is thrilled to share her new music very soon! Visit her website at to learn more about her music and her Kickstarter campaign.

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Copyright 2015 Andrea Thomas.
Photos copyright 2015 Andrea Thomas. All rights reserved.