What's a Mass Mob? Quite simply, it's a huge group of Catholics coming together at one Mass to pray with a very special intention in mind. Today we're sharing information about a Mass Mob planned for this Saturday, April 25, at a parish in San Francisco that needs revitalization. If you can't be in San Francisco this Saturday for the Mass Mob, kindly remember this parish in your prayers and sign up to participate in the Spiritual Bouquet! --Barb

Bay Area Mass Mob ALERT!
Show your support for Frs. Illo and Driscoll!
- Come to Mass: Sat. 4/25 at the 4:30pm Vigil
- Sign up NOW to contribute to a Spiritual Bouquet
What & Why: We’re hoping to mobilize an army of Christians to support Fr. Joseph Illo, Fr. Patrick Driscoll and the Star of the Sea Church in their efforts to renew this parish. As many of you know, many misleading reports have permeated the internet about these faithful, gracious, and compassionate priests who only want to serve God and care for His children. On any given Saturday, this beautiful and very spacious church only gets ~60 parishioners. Fr. Driscoll once commented that he would love to see 2500 people coming to Mass at this church again, but that it would take a huge miracle. Well...we can do our little part to make this miracle happen by inviting our supportive family and friends to attend the 4:30p Vigil at the Star of the Sea on April 25th! Simply attending this Mass on this day can boost the spirit of the whole parish! Mark your calendars today and share your prayers for the church and the priests at www.bayareamassmob.com!
When: April 25, 2015 at 4:30pm; plus a reception following the Vigil.
Where: Star of the Sea Church at 4420 Geary Street (@ 8th), San Francisco, CA
Who Should Attend: All supporters of Father Illo and Father Driscoll at the Star of the Sea. Invite your family and friends!
Public Transit Directions: Get off at Montgomery BART station and take the outbound 38 bus directly from there to Star of the Sea church., walk back one block to 8th to the Star of the Sea Church. Muni is $2.25/person.
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