tech talk redesign

If I had a nickel for every time I stumbled across something online and thought, “Oooh, that looks interesting, when I have time  I so want to read that.” While I am realistic that the odds of my accomplishing the feat of reading every single column, post or article I have pinned is slim to none, I still do my best to save them  in a manner conducive to relocating them. Additionally, since I have a mind like a piece of yummy Swiss cheese, I want to be able to peruse through my stored gems to discover those that are most likely forgotten but would still find of interest.


My plan was to use the ‘favorite’ feature to mark a tweet  for later perusing. The flaw in this plan is that I am also prone to click that little star (aka favorite icon) on tweets I just plain like what is being said. Therefore, when I go to my profile page, and select ‘FAVORITES,’ what cascades down my screen is 1600+ tweets o’fun. So plan B is usually the Search Twitter function, equally flawed because of the overwhelming information output that is Twitter. While the use of hashtags (words that become hyperlinks when a # is placed before them), provides a focus for my searches there is still that needle in a haystack feel to finding past (especially long past) tweets. My best advice for Twitter – click on the link as soon as you see it and save it for later viewing in one of the other ways listed below.


In an effort to keep things accessible, I try to create boards with more specific than general titles, all while not establishing an exorbitant number of boards. In fact, my Pinterest could use some parsing as the number of pins grows and themes become convoluted – what did that Oreo pie and belly-bulge-bustinging leg lift have to do with each other again? In addition, I write thoughtful descriptions for my pins (usually) as a way to reminder the meaning or significance of the pin in question.

For more on my love affair with Pinterest, read my Holy Spirit inspired post from June, 2014.


Did you know Facebook has an Activity Log? If you are like me, you have selective memory with most social media features. Maybe you’ll be your doctor is running late and you decide to explore Facebook – because there seems to be nothing to read on there (some days I liken my inability to get engaged on FB much like when I flip through 200 channels on my television, or stare in the fridge the day after going to the supermarket – it is all about what you are in the mood for.

The Activity Log can be searched which is great when you know specifically what you are trying to find, or what you are in the mood for. It can also be narrowed to “Include Only Me activity” which I appreciate since I am super blessed by interactive friends on Facebook. The key, of course, is to remember to like or comment on the item you want to later re-locate. It will not appear in your Activity Log just because it crossed your computer screen. Though … as an aside… I do wonder the powers of FB sometimes, when  I mention a person’s name or product and suddenly it appears in my newsfeed #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmmmm

There are just a few ways I personally keep track of social media content that has peeked my interest or that I wish to use in my writing, show or presentations. Though I have to be honest, every now and then I do resort to the old-fashioned methods of emailing myself the link or just plain ole saving the article, column or post to my computer.


Don't miss a new feature to my radio show A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras on Real Life Radio. Beginning June 22, Christina Trinidad, from Faithfully Social, will join me each month to discuss the nuts and bolts of social media. It is a perfect complement to my enthusiasm for Social Media Evangelization. We had so much fun during her first visit, (no really, our faces hurt from all the smiling and laughing ), we just knew it could not be just a one-time visit! Our topic for June 22 (airs 10 a.m. ET) will be navigating through and engaging others on -- Pinterest!

Read more of our Tech Talk columns.

Copyright 2015 Allison Gingras