My grandma turns 90 years young on June 8. During a recent conversation with her via FaceTime (yes, my 90-year-old grandma has an iPad AND uses it!), she told me about the book she's reading. Long story short, she doesn't really like it. Grandma humorously mentioned that some of the books in her assisted living home's library are "not appropriate for senior citizens." So I asked Grandma what kinds of books she likes to read, and she said, "A good love story. Stories about a good man and a good woman and how they are being good parents to their kids."
After our conversation I began hunting for good books to potentially gift to my grandma on her birthday, books that she can also donate to her assisted living home's library once she's read them. I took to social media and asked for book recommendations on the Facebook page. Wow, what a response! One woman agreed and wrote, "I hope someone is squirrelling this away for a good article on Christian reading! Good to have it in one printable place."
Hey, great idea!
So if you, too, are looking for wholesome, good, and enjoyable book recommendations for your 90-year-old grandma (or any adult female), consider this a good place to start. The list is organized alphabetically by author's last name. And please, don't be shy --- if you have more suggestions to add, please share away in the comments below.
Wholesome Book Recommendations:
Wendell Berry --- The Port William series, especially "Hannah Coulter." Port William is a fictitious town in Kentucky that serves as the backdrop for many of Berry's short stories and novels.
Sandra D. Bricker --- The "...Never the Bride" series:
- "Always the Baker Never the Bride"
- "Always the Wedding Planner, Never the Bride"
- "Always the Designer, Never the Bride"
- "Always the Baker Finally the Bride"
Wanda Brunsetter --- All of Wanda’s novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life.
AnnMarie Creedon --- AnnMarie is the author of the Catholic romance novel, "Angela’s Song" published by Full Quiver Publishing.
Bette Lee Crosby --- For a love story, start with "Passing through Perfect."
Ellen Gable Hrkach --- Not only is Ellen a fellow contributor, but she's also a best-selling author of five books and co-founder of Full Quiver Publishing. (P.S., After reading my Facebook post, Ellen offered to donate books from Full Quiver Publishing to my grandma's assisted living library. Thank you, Ellen!)
Ruth Livingston Hill --- From one Facebook commenter: "Her books are old, but good. They are numbered. You can tell she became a better writer the higher the number. But are written in her [my grandma's] era. Might be bring back nice memories."
Jan Karon --- The Mitford Series came highly recommended by several commenters.
Karen Kingsbury --- Another popular author recommendation on the Facebook page.
Stephanie Landsem --- A Catholic wife and mother, Stephanie has written a beautiful Biblical fiction series called Living Water. Read the review of the series here. (P.S., After reading my Facebook post, Stephanie donated the first book in her series to my grandma's assisted living library along with some bookmarks. Thank you, Stephanie!)
Amanda Lauer --- Amanda is another Catholic author published with Full Quiver Publishing. Her debut novel, A World Such as Heaven Intended, is a historical romance story.
Beverly Lewis --- Lewis has written several series centered around the Pennsylvania Amish.
Betty Neels --- Neels's writing career was born when she heard a lady in her local library bemoaning the lack of good romance novels. 134 books later ...
Janette Oke --- Another highly recommended author who has written several series including the Love Comes Softly series.
Traci Peterson --- Has written over 100 titles within various genres: Christian fiction, historical novel, novella, and nonfiction book.
Francine Rivers --- Her books contain Christian themes, including inspirational romance novels. "Redeeming Love," based on the story of Hosea and Gomer, was highly recommended.
Ann B. Ross --- For a humorous read, check out Ross's "Miss Julia" series. One commenter wrote, "I've never laughed so much as when I'm reading Miss Julia's latest escapades!"
Kim Wright --- "The Unexpected Waltz" was enthusiastically recommended.
More suggestions to add? Please share away in the comments!
Copyright 2015 Lisa Schmidt
Photo: Lisa Schmidt 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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