Image courtesy of mojzagrebinfo , Pixabay Image courtesy of mojzagrebinfo , Pixabay

I tend to be fairly transparent with most of my life (most of it...). So today, I'm going to be consistent with that by sharing a little struggle I'm facing and asking for your prayers and input.

I'm also asking for your spiritual companionship. With most major challenges in my life, I've found that when I try to "gut out" a solution on my own, even with prayer, I inevitably fail. This week, I had some news from my personal physician which caused me to look long and hard at my physical health. This isn't a major health scare, but it's also something that I've sort of known for a while could become an issue (bad grammar alert - trying to avoid the specifics so please bear with me.)

To "fix" this issue--and I do believe that it can indeed be "fixed"--will require both concerted effort and spiritual perseverance. I need to make some major changes to my lifestyle related to physical activity, but especially my nutrition. I can offer all kinds of excuses, but none of them are valid.

To accomplish these changes feels too challenging to do on my own. So this morning, I "outed" myself to three dear friends who are all spiritual sisters. They are also very practical women who know me well enough to call "B.S." when I flounder and give up. Being accountable in this way helps me enormously. It also gives me the spiritual firepower of friends who are praying for my wellbeing. I need and want to be strong and healthy so that I can continue doing the work I love. But this work also too often becomes my crutch, my excuse for not doing things like properly feeding our family.

Today, along with sharing this struggle with trusted confidants, I have created a small plan of action which includes:

  1. Specifically including this struggle in my morning prayer and asking for God's strength to overcome the challenges which will come along each day.
  2. Reopening my membership at MyFitnessPal to track my food intake. My "fitness" stats are already being tracked regularly with my Apple Watch.
  3. Committing myself to blogging at least once per week on this topic at my personal blog. Many of these posts will also be shared at

Today, I'm inviting you to be a part of my "tech tribe". If you would like to be a part of this journey, I would love to walk alongside you. Feel free to be a silent companion, to participate in the combox below to answer the specific questions I will pose each week, or to email me privately (lisa at to share privately. I won't promise an immediate response, but I will pray for you by name daily and will do my best to communicate as I can to support you too!

A question for you: Have you ever had a time when you hit "rock bottom" on an issue and couldn't see a fix? What and who helped you to find peace and healing? If you are currently in this situation, please know that you are in my prayers.

Image courtesy of mojzagrebinfo , Pixabay