CN_ZZXbUkAAp2NF (1)I'm happy to extend an invitation for all of you to be a part of something very special this week. On Wednesday, September 16 at 9 am PT/noon ET, I will be involved in a Twitter chat hosted by Liguori Publications. The goal is to discuss some of the challenges and realities of being a real Catholic family in today's world.

Part One of the conversation, with our awesome friend Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle was held last week. You can find the transcript and her helpful insights here.

This week, our topic will be “How to Get Your Whole Family Focused on Faith". Here are all the details you need to join us:

“How to Get Your Whole Family Focused on Faith"

GUEST: Lisa Hendey, @LisaHendey

WHEN: Wednesday, September 16, 9 am PT / noon ET

FOLLOW: #FamilyFaithChat and @Liguori_Pub on Twitter

How to Participate

Tweet your questions to @Liguori_Pub before and during the chat using the hashtag #FamilyFaithChat. When the chat begins, you can introduce yourself and share your thoughts on each question. If you're not on Twitter and want to ask a question, sign up for free here. If you just want to follow along, that's OK too: just click here. Either way, stick around for a special offer on Family, the Church, and the Real World.

3 Ways to Follow the Twitter Chat

  1. Follow Liguori Publications on Twitter: @Liguori_Pub. We’ll tweet questions and discussion highlights. If you'd like to see a simplified overview of the discussion rather than every single #FamilyFaithChat tweet, then follow @Liguori_Pub.
  2. Follow the #FamilyFaithChat hashtag on Twitter. Search for the hashtag on Twitter and see who's tweeting with it! The "Top" view will only show the most popular tweets, so you'll want to click the "Live" view for real-time updates. Refresh your page regularly to see the latest tweets. If you want to see every tweet in the discussion, options #2 and #3 are the way to go.
  3. Use TweetChat. TweetChat is an easy tool you can use to follow and participate in Twitter chats. Just go to and enter the hashtag #FamilyFaithChat, or go to: It will open the conversation in a live chat setting and automatically add #FamilyFaithChat to the end of your tweets. This is an easy way to follow the Twitter chat without constantly refreshing.

Will you be there? Tweet this message to tell your followers!

Tweet: Join me for #FamilyFaithChat with @LisaHendey & @Liguori_Pub! Topic: How to Get Your Whole Family Focused on Faith. Wed Sept 16, 9 am PT

I look forward to chatting with you on Wednesday!

Copyright 2015 Lisa M. Hendey