Photo courtesy of Courtney Vallejo. All rights reserved. Photo courtesy of Courtney Vallejo. All rights reserved.

It's been the typical run-of-the-mill week at my house, nothing out of the ordinary to report, but it seems like a lot of little things have added up to a feeling of despair.

Although everyone is healthy and we have food on the table, I've noticed a negative undertone this week in the way I speak to my family. In trying to encourage my family in different endeavors, my words of encouragement have seemed to come out as negative and critical. In a cry to God, he blessed me with of messages of hope, thanks to Christian radio. He reminded me: "His Grace is Enough" (Matt Maher) and that in times of trouble "You're the anchor of my hope, the only one whose in control, I will cast my cares on you." (Finding Favour).

Then this morning in a despairing mood, I skipped morning prayer and after another one of those unhappy conversations with my family, decided it was time to sit down with my prayer book. God spoke again. In the Liturgy of the House, Volume 4, Week 1, Friday Morning Prayer, the reading is from Ephesians 4:29-32. It says,

"Never let evil talk pass your lips; say only the good things men need to hear, things that will really help them.  Do nothing that will sadden the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed against the day of redemption.  Get rid of all bitterness, all passion and anger, harsh words, slander, and malice of every kind.  In place of these, be kind to one another, compassionate, and mutually forgiving, just as God has forgiven you in Christ."

WOW! I swear I've NEVER read that Scripture! So today, instead of responding in anger I will attempt to control my own mouth so that evil will not pass over my lips. I will remember that regardless of what others say to me, or how they treat me, that I must be in control of my own reactions and responses.

What Bible verses has God used to speak to you recently?


Copyright 2015 Courtney Vallejo.
Photo copyright 2015 Courtney Vallejo. All rights reserved.