This recipe is from my dad. My oldest son requests it all the time and every time my parents come to visit, he always ask Gramps to make it. Apparently, mom does not do as good of a job! :)
Chicken, Broccoli & Ziti
Makes 4 servings
1 lb of ziti
1 lb of chicken breast
2 cups mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup heavy cream
olive oil
garlic seasoning
1 head broccoli
Cube chicken, season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cook until no longer pink inside. Set chicken aside on plate, but cover to keep warm. While chicken is cooking, cook pasta as directed. When there is about five minutes left on the pasta, toss in the cut broccoli. Warm a little bit of olive oil and heavy cream in the same pan the chicken was in. Pour over drained pasta, add chicken, and mozzarella cheese. Mix together. You may add black olives if you like.
Copyright 2015 Lauri Nienaber.
About the author: Lauri Nienaber has been married for 18 years. She is also a Catholic,stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of four beautiful children, three boys and one girl. She owns a business, Real Rosaries, making rosaries, jewelry, and other items out of flowers from weddings, funerals, and special occasions. Lauri was born and raised in the Boston area, but has lived in the Northern Kentucky area for 19 years. She loves it here, but misses her family, the ocean, seafood, and the Red Sox and Patriots!
About the Author

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