From Our Table to Yours Sterling Jaquith Autumn Photo

Tell us about yourself and your family:

Growing up, I was always watching cooking shows. It was my dream to star in my own. While the Food Network wasn't in my future, five perpetually hungry little people and a weight-lifting husband were! Cooking for my crew takes up a good part of my week as an at-home mom.

Share your family’s favorite recipe:

My kids are all picky eaters, and picky in their own way, of course. Mercifully, I've come across a few recipes that they all like, and this has to be their favorite: Fire-Roasted Slow Cooker Chili (though I use regular ingredients instead of the super-hot ones--I'll turn up the heat as they get older!) They can make it up their own way--corn muffins, cheddar cheese, and sour cream are a must--and it's usually met with smiles when it's time for dinner.

How does your book/blog/project help “feed” people spiritually?

I've been blessed to have been a weekly contributor for CatholicMom for the past four years. The small bits of research I've done over the years about facets of our faith and the saints have really helped deepen my love for our beautiful religion. It's also opened wide my understanding of God's infinite mercy and goodness, and I hope that my posts can be a little encouragement for your day to keep at the difficult task of growing in holiness. I do need a lot of encouragement in this area, so I've named my blog heaven's in your corner to remind myself and others that God really does want us to succeed in becoming saints and He's given us so much to help us along the way.

A fun fact about our family: we eat a lot of peanut butter, at least 40 ounces a week!

After saying grace, we always pray for the souls in purgatory: "May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace". Our faith is so beautiful in helping us understand how we are all still connected to each other in the body of Christ, even if our loved ones have died. The table is a natural place to gather, and it can be comforting to recall our family who can't be there with us in that moment, knowing that we will, God-willing, be reunited in the end.

When you join us at our dinner table, it'll be loud and messy but we're so happy you came!

Copyright 2015 Meg Matenaer
Table photo copyright 2015 Sterling Jaquith. All rights reserved.