Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Mark 6, 45-52

Several years ago, our family experienced the summer from you-know-where.

My husband was overwhelmed with challenges at work while simultaneously launching a men’s conference. I was nine months’ pregnant with our third child, trying to hold things together at home with our young daughters and at my part-time job with a company undergoing a major transition.

In the space of about three weeks’ time that June, our dishwasher conked out and our lawn mower died. The last straw was when our washing machine flooded our laundry space the day after we’d replaced the decrepit linoleum with ceramic tile using our modest tax return.

To say we were both completely exhausted – emotionally, physically, and financially – was an understatement. It felt like the walls were closing in on us, yet we didn’t have anything left with which to push back.

I’ll never forget my husband’s face as he sat at our small dining room table shortly after the washing machine went kaput. “What are we gonna do?” he asked with tears in his eyes. “I can’t take any more.”

Call it inspiration or desperation, but in that moment, I literally grabbed my husband by the shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said, “Peter! Look at Jesus, not at the waves! Look at Jesus!”

I don’t remember if my husband laughed or sighed at my reference to St. Peter, but that was yet another turning point in our marriage: were we going to trust God in spite of our circumstances, or not?

Two more children, several jobs, and myriad peaks and valleys later, we’re still working on keeping our eyes fixed upon Our Lord. While we haven’t walked on water yet, we have found that, by truly trusting in Him, the storms of life don’t rock our little boat quite as much.


Recall a time you needed Jesus to tell you: “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” How did you learn to release your fears and trust in Him? Perhaps you are waiting for Him to speak to you now, in your current circumstance. Take a moment to quiet yourself, and listen for His still, small voice to speak encouragement to your heart today.


Dear Jesus, help us to seek You always, trusting that You will protect us and provide for everything that we need. Amen.

Copyright 2016 Heather Anderson Renshaw

Heather Renshaw is a wife, Mama (x5) and Catholic revert. She’s a writer (Real Catholic Mom, All Things Girl: Truth For Teens, Blessed is She), radio producer/co-host (The Visitation Project), speaker/organizer (Catholic Women Rejoice, Called to Love, retreats), nap craver, and coffee drinker. Heather prays all experience the healing power of Divine Mercy so they may rejoice and be free.