In my readings about faith and culture I have discovered different typologies of Christ in the Culture. Protestant Theologian H Richard Niebuhr formulated five: Christ against the culture, Christ of Culture, Christ above culture, Christ and Culture in Paradox, and Christ the Transformer of Culture. After studying these different typologies I have realized that I support Christ the Transformer of the Culture.
Probably not in the way one would think. I don't think that every person on earth should convert to Christianity. Many people still believe that the Catholic Church is against all other religions. However, this is not a true statement; a few different Popes have talked about the truth in all religions. Yes, the Great Mandate said go spread the good news and baptize the nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but that doesn't mean against the will of another. If one's conscience leads a person not to believe we cannot force the belief of Jesus Christ upon them. God has created each person, breathed life into their bodies and placed a soul within him or her. God doesn't make mistakes.
It is our duty as Christians to spread the good news through our actions as well as our words, to love people where they are and care for them so that they may lead a full life. We are to love unconditionally and spread peace and kindness, rid the world of injustice, poverty, and deprivation. If we do these things, living out the Beatitudes through the way we live our lives, then we are doing as Jesus Christ has taught us. We will be transforming the culture to the ways of Jesus Christ. Our world will witness the love of Christ regardless of if they name him as their savior and messiah or not. We are to witness, to love and transform our world with Jesus Christ, for Jesus Christ.
I believe that Jesus Christ loves every person no matter what religion they are affiliated with in this life. I believe that God grants mercy to all of his creations and loves them for who they are. I believe that the Holy Spirit works through each of our souls to bring about goodness, mercy, understanding, and love to everyone. If we learn to love one another as God loves us there could be peace in our hearts, culture, and in our world.
It all starts with one thought, belief, word, and action to transform our culture to one overflowing with the love of God. Will you make that change today? One person at a time we can transform our world.
Copyright 2016 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
About the Author

Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp - mom of 4 teens/wife for 20+ years. Lori has been writing at her own website Faith Filled Mom. She writes about the journey of faith we live daily and the ability to recognize God. She is a retreat director at Sacred Heart Academy HS. She just earned her MA in Pastoral Ministry as well as a certification in spiritual direction.