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Today's Gospel: Luke 4:21-30 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel shares a line that is often quoted, but not always understood. Here, Jesus shares a short history of Elisha and Elijah, familiar names to everyone present. They were not called by God to serve the people in their town, but to go out to other communities. Yet Jesus’ words so upset them, they rush him out of town.

It might seem an odd piece to reflect on, but for a small kernel of truth: he was led out of his hometown and went to Capernaum, then elsewhere, to minister to people outside his circle. The move from adoration to rejection could be seen as paving the way for Jesus to continue to turn to the least likely: the oppressed, the rejected, the Gentiles.

Is the lesson here that we cannot adequately serve our own family? Of course not! But the truth is that our mission extends to others in our vicinity, not just in our own native place. We must look past the borders of our own circle of friends and family because EVERYONE is my brother and sister. EVERYONE is my responsibility.

God sent us to serve one another without worry as to who they are or where they are from. We are all one family.


Who can I help today? As I look past my own walls, where do I see a need that could use my attention?


Lord, sometimes it is hard to see the needs of others, especially those far from me, as part of my mission. Help me to open my eyes and my heart to do Your will on earth.


Copyright 2016 Rose Hernandez