As all couples know, marriage is hard. However, our marital struggles become easier when we realize our growing pains are simply part of the normal process all couples must go through as they move from infatuation to a deep, mature, sacramental love. Mercy in marriage is the only way to not only survive marriage but to thrive as a couple and become unified and one in Christ. Listening to another Catholic couple explain this process from a faith perspective, as well as share their own struggle, encourages other couples.
Karee and her husband, Dr. Manuel P. Santos M.D., a Catholic psychiatrist, have put together a perfectly balanced talk for the Catholic Conference 4 Moms; it is warm, down-to-earth, yet informative and educational at the same time. In fact, their presentation itself is a practical demonstration of the mutual respect, tolerance, forgiveness, and mercy which is the foundation of a Catholic, sacramental marriage. The Santoses have learned to allow each other's individual gifts to shine in their own unique manner; they not only talk about mercy, they obviously live out mercy in their own marriage.
Karee and Manny understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and know exactly how to compliment each other in a presentation. Karee provides the nitty-gritty examples of what it means to live out forgiveness in marriage in daily life while Manny explains the theoretical, psychological aspects of the process of forgiveness.
The result is a powerful talk which will inform and educate the listener. Both Manny and Karee are intelligent and naturally articulate. Their wisdom is rooted in experience and rings true; they are not merely parroting what they have read and researched on marriage. This session will equip you with new tools to understand the stages couples go through in their marriage, the dynamics at work and the steps humans go through to forgive their spouse.
You will have to listen to it again and again so you do not miss even one pearl of wisdom.
See all the Catholic Conference 4 Moms posts here.
Copyright 2016, Melanie Jean Juneau
About the Author
Melanie Jean Juneau
Melanie Jean Juneau is a mother of nine children who blogs at joy of nine9. Her writing is humorous and heart-warming; thoughtful and thought-provoking. Part of her call and her witness is to write the truth about children, family, marriage and the sacredness of life. Melanie is the administrator of ACWB, the Editor in Chief at CatholicLane, CatholicStand, Catholic365 , CAPC & author of Echoes of the Divine.