Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline
Today's Gospel: Luke 24, 13-35

I have experienced “my heart feeling light” as the apostles did on the road to Emmaus. You are there,God. Waiting. Listening. Coaching. Walking with me, even when I have not bothered to ask you to “stay”. You abide.

How often do I fail to notice the Lord walking beside me? Sitting at my desk? Standing in my kitchen? In the kind words of a stranger? When the answer to a problem becomes suddenly clear, do I recognize Christ in my presence? More importantly, am I thankful for His guidance or His Comfort? Do I beg Him to STAY as the apostles did? Do I even notice?

As a mom, I often feel invisible to my family. I resent their failure to recognize my presence; my works. Ironically, I am sure Jesus feels even more invisible. How many times a day God is trying to get my attention? Amazing things might happen, if I would only open my eyes to see He’s already there.

Occasionally, I do perceive Him, and I look to heaven to acknowledge our great God. Unfortunately, more often than not, I miss seeing Christ because the challenge seems small, or momentary, or the day is simply too chaotic. Shame on me! The highest call of motherhood is my role as spiritual director for my children. Recognizing when my heart feels light and sharing these moments, serves to teach my children to recognize Your presence - only then are they able to walk the road to Emmaus with Jesus. I yearn to notice you. I want You to know that I am grateful - not just in the crises of life, but in the day to day living of my vocation as mother, wife, daughter and friend.


I wonder how light my heart would feel or my perspective might change if I looked for God working throughout my day? I wonder if I have the faith and courage to try?


Lord, please open my eyes to you. Make me aware, receptive and thankful of your presence in daily life. Please stay. I need you to walk by my side.


Copyright 2016 Lisa A. Connor

Lisa is the mother of five children, ages 7 to 16, and wife of Mike for 20 years. She loves reading, gardening and cooking family favorites. She feels God most often in the laughter of her house and family together times. A former chemist, she thinks God is leading her to share her love of science and math.