Catholic publisher announces affordable resources to help faithful honor Our Lady in May
Boston, MA: 26 April, 2016: A number of recently released productions are relevant to the special dedication of the month of May to Mary, the Mother of God, and several of them are on special offer, Pauline Books & Media announced today.
Praying the Rosary represents a special devotion to Our Lady, and the publisher is offering a number of ways to see that devotion in a new light—and for an accessible price. “May is the month that is beloved by all Catholics,” says Sr. Mary Mark Wickenhiser, publisher, “when Mary is honored in a particular way. We want to make sure that everyone who visits our website has access to media that will help them pray and celebrate in a meaningful way.”
The material will be on sale throughout the month of May and includes:
- The Rosary with Pope Francis, with the Holy Father's insightful words for each Hail Mary, using quotes from his various homilies, addresses, and written texts.
- A Single Bead (teen fiction): a journey for a teenaged girl that begins in grief and ends in faith.
- Pray the Rosary with the Daughters of St. Paul (CD): a recording of the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous mysteries that makes it easy to pray along every day, and can be a teaching tool for beginners.
- Mary: Help in Hard Times (adult nonfiction): a combination of history, stories, and prayers in an approachable, practical size.
- From Mary’s Heart to Yours (DVD): thought-provoking reflections in three 20-minute segments enhanced by challenging questions about related experiences.
In addition to the sale items, Pauline Books & Media has a booklet novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots available in bulk to parishes and other groups, as well as a smartphone app for praying the Rosary with Pope Francis. All these materials are available at
Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of Saint Paul, an international congregation of women religious dedicated to evangelizing through media. Pauline Books & Media is a passionate and trusted publisher of Church documents, children’s and teen books, and adult books in the areas of theology, spirituality, faith in practice, and inspiration. They operate thirteen book centers in North America. For more on Pauline Books & Media and the Daughters ofSt. Paul visit
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