Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Mark 10, 32-45

Anxious and afraid, the disciples were out on the road with Jesus again. He told them once more what was going to happen, where it was going to happen, the scene is set. Jesus, the passage says, walks ahead of them, the disciples follow dazed, confused and bewildered.

In our daily lives, do we continue to follow Christ even though the road ahead may be scary or unpredictable? Do we allow ourselves to walk in the footsteps of Christ who lights the path ahead of us?

Do we hold on to the past, looking back through rose tinted spectacles, longing for days which have already been? Those moments are past, gone forever. We should live our lives for the precious moment we have right now. Let's allow Christ to lead the way, wherever it takes us and trust that he will light our daily path.


Do we step out each day with courage, willing to follow fully the path on which Our Lord is leading us?


Lord Jesus, help us not to be anxious to follow the path you have for us. Light our way, help us to see each day as a precious gift and give us courage to follow where you lead us. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Rebecca Morris

I am a 41 year old Catholic mum of 3 boys, living in Wales in the United Kingdom. I am married to Stephen, a headmaster of a Cathedral School in Cardiff. I also work as a registered nurse in a local doctor's practice. I love reading, cooking and baking. I am excited to be part of Catholic Mom's daily reflections as we have nothing like this in the U.K.