Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

My youngest child is two. She has a knack for knowing her rightful place – she will remove a book from my lap to sit there. She will come up to me, take my finger and gently pull me urging, “Come,” when she wants me to see something or help her. She knows I can provide the food she needs when she’s hungry, and makes sure to let me know that, as well. She is unassuming when coming to me with her concerns and her joy, and in that authenticity of our relationship I take abundant delight.

The disciples argue about being the greatest today, and I find myself in on that conversation too. “How can I even compare to saint so-and-so?!” or “Well, at least I don’t do that in the liturgy. That’s got to count for something!”

Jesus introduces the child to them as the greatest – the one who is unassuming, who brings needs and pleasures honestly before God, the one who ultimately knows they have to rely on the bigger someone to get by and not by their own means. My daughter knows she needs me or she would not so easily bring me intimately into her life. Jesus tells us today that this is what God wants of us – taking up the heart of a child before the Father; this is what brings greatness.


What is one situation in your life that you keep trying to act more like an ‘adult’ as opposed to a ‘child’ before God? How can your perspective be changed before God?


O Christ, we ask that you might open us up to embracing our Father as children in our moments of suffering, of pleasure, of mirth. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Jane Korvemaker

Jane Korvemaker loves food, family, wine, and God (perhaps not in that order). She holds a Certificate in Culinary Arts, which pairs perfectly with her Bachelor in Theology. A former Coordinator of Youth Ministry, she writes from the beautiful and cold province of Saskatchewan, Canada. She works from home and takes care of her three very hard-working children. Jane regularly blogs at www.ajk2.ca.