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Today's Gospel: John 1, 45-51 - St. Bartholomew

“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

These are the words we here from Nathanael, also called Bartholomew, when he is approached by his friend Phillip and told of Jesus.

Nathanael must have been a cynical fellow to immediately respond in such a way. I wonder what made him that way.

Nazareth was a small town with not much going on in it. Maybe it had a bad reputation. Maybe Nathanael had been hearing of false prophets roaming the country side and that is what immediately put him on the defensive?

“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

When I hear that statement I can’t help but think of similar statements coming from my own head. "Yeah right - that will never work" I say to myself at some new initiative or project. Or even when I decide to pass on my prayer time, reasoning that I am too busy to concentrate; or I am such a bad mood that I refuse to take the time to pray out of my own pride.

“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

Why would anyone refuse an encounter with Christ? Why do I put my business in life ahead of Christ?

Phillip had the right answer: “Come and see.”

This invitation to encounter Christ changed Nathanael’s life What a simple statement: “Come and see.”
The next time I may feel the movement to pass on my prayer time or adoration time I will remember this invitation… “Come and see.”


Reflect on who you know that is cynicle about the church. Invite them cheerfully to "Come and see" what the church is all about!


Lord, at the times when I am cynical and prideful and choose not to seek you out, let me hear Phillip's invitation to "Come and see."


Copyright 2016 Sharon Wilson

Sharon Wilson – wife, mother, writer and Catholic speaker. She is the chief operating officer of WINE: Women In the New Evangelization. Sharon has a degree in education and has worked as a freelance writer, the Respect Life Director for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, a teacher, in advertising, radio, retail buyer and in youth advocacy – she even rode an elephant in the circus once! As a “cradle” Catholic who didn’t really know her faith until adulthood, Sharon speaks, writes and shares about the gift of God’s healing and about the great gift of being Catholic. She can be reached at Sharon@CatholicVineyard.com