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Today's Gospel: Matthew 25, 14-30 - St. Monica

When we take stock of our lives, we are often struck by what we do not have. We desire so many things and wonder why it is that God hasn’t given us a perfect child, a fulfilling job, a faithful spouse, and all the many things and circumstances that we believe will make us happy.

Jesus, in his parable, flips our desire for more and asks, “what are you going to do with what you have been given?” I am guilty of hiding myself out of embarrassment or despair over what God has not given me. Jesus condemns the servant who says, “out of fear, I went out and buried your talent.”

We must recognize that each “talent” or gift we have been given was given to us by God, the Master. These gifts were never ours. We are called to share what we have been given, whether it’s our struggles or our joys. We are called to serve others with our our homes, our families, our jobs and our lives so that we may one day hear our Father say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”

On this feast of St. Monica, let’s remember the gift that was given to her: a wayward child. Her response was faithful prayer despite little hope, nevertheless she was faithful. Her example and her prayers gave the Church the gift of St. Augustine.


What have you been given and how will you let that gift become a gift for all?


Heavenly Father, help us to see our lives as a gift from you. May the Holy Spirit guide us to use our talents for your service, through Christ our Savior. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Linda Lobmeyer

Linda Lobmeyer is a single Catholic laywoman and an attorney practicing law in her hometown in southwest Kansas. She enjoys spending time with her many nieces and nephews, writing poetry and all things outdoors.