Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9, 9-13 - St. Matthew

"...I come sick to the physician of life,
unclean to the fountain of mercy,
blind to the light of eternal brightness,
poor and needy to the Lord of Heaven and Earth…"

One day, with our 3 year old in tow, we began attending a very conservative Catholic parish. The parish not only offered a Latin Mass, but also recited prayers before and after all Masses (Regular and Latin). In a short time, I fell in love with saying the Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas before each Mass.

I've always particularly loved this prayer, as I never feel quite worthy. Each day, I fail at the job he has set before me. I yell at my kids, I neglect the house, I never seem to get around to praying as I should. Yet the Lord is not finished with me yet. Each day, I try again to pick up the cross laying at my feet and follow him in HIS will for my day, not my own. I serve Him in the teething babies, illnesses, lonely evenings, and (not so gracefully) handling unexpected delays and interruptions. HIS plan.

In today's reading, Matthew left a lucrative job as a tax collector to follow Jesus. He threw a party attended by tax collectors and other sinners; and every time I say this prayer before Mass, I remember how grateful I am. I have been invited to dine at His table, despite my unworthiness. Not only have I been invited to dine with Him, but I have been invited to dine on His body and blood!


Could you be missing an opportunity to drop what you are doing and instead follow His plans for you? Try embracing interruptions and see what God can do!


Lord, heal me of my infirmity and wash me clean. Help me to drop everything as Matthew did and to follow You with a pure and cheerful heart.


Copyright 2016 Jen Steed

Jen is a Catholic wife and mother to three little ones, whose nose can usually be found buried in a book, learning once all the work is done. Or sometimes, even when it's not! You can find Jen blogging about the big 5 - God & Catholicism, taking care of yourself, serving your spouse and children and all the other work women typically do at home. She can be found blogging at Happy Little Homemaker and spending too much time on social media.