Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 13, 18-21

Today’s Gospel reading has two short parables with similar meanings. Growing up as a Protestant we didn’t have a lot of artwork, statues, or jewelry to represent our faith. Our crosses were very plain without our precious Lord on them. I do remember a charm that some fellow Christians would wear from a chain around their neck, much like we Catholics would hang a Saint’s medal. This charm would be a small glass dome encasing a single mustard seed. How was the Kingdom of God like that tiny seed? I never really got this until I became Catholic.

The Church began with 12 seemingly insignificant disciples. Now look at the Catholic Church - it has over 1.2 billion members and has influenced culture and history beyond estimation. And this is just the beginning. When the Church on earth unites with the Kingdom in Heaven what a grand Kingdom of God that will be!

On a personal level, we each must do our own seemingly small and insignificant “mustard seed” part. Do we think that what we do doesn’t make a difference? This is where you are wrong. The smallest turning from sin, kind act to a neighbor, or act of praise may seem like a mustard seed, but just look at what that mustard seed can turn into!

Maybe I should try to wear one of those mustard seed necklaces so I can be constantly reminded that every small thing that I do in faith will multiply and grow and be an important part of the Kingdom.


What small sacrifice (like a smile when I don't feel like it or keeping my mouth shut when it would be better if I did) can I make today to not only add to my own sancitity, but to add to the Kingdom of Heaven?


Precious Jesus, help me to do simple, mustard-seed deeds today so that the Kingdom of God may flourish.


Copyright 2016 Tami Kiser

Although employed as a dance teacher, Tami spends most of her time as matriarch to 10 children, 4 daughter-in-laws, 5 grandchildren, and numerous pets. She is the author of Smart Martha’s Catholic Guide for Busy Moms. You can find her ministries on the web at SmartMartha.com, CatholicFamilyCelebrations.com, and CatholicConference4Moms.com.