How well do you know the saints? There are two books that I would recommend to you to help you learn more about the saints: Voices of the Saints by Bert Ghezzi and Sisterhood of Saints by Melanie Rigney.
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When I first started my blog, Being Catholic ... Really, I was looking for reference material. As a convert, I didn't know much about the saints, so when I found Bert Ghezzi's book, I was excited.
Voices of the Saints is a large paperback of nearly 800 pages consisting of the saints in chronological order. It can also be read by topic and includes an alphabetical index so that you can find saints that interest you or help you with a specific intention. The unique part of this book are the "voices." Bert Ghezzi has a quote from each saint whenever possible.
This book makes a great gift to the new convert, or the Cradle Catholic.
My next recommendation is Melanie Rigney's Sisterhood of Saints. This beautiful looking book is loaded with daily guidance and inspiration from women saints. The surprise in this book is there are a lot of saints I've never heard of, so I'm sure they'll be surprises for you, too.
The book is arranged by calendar year, a short biography of each saint, a brief quote or scripture verse. There's also a section entitled, "challenge," that suggests something you can do to model that particular saint.
I've given this book to many of the women in my life and they have told me how much it has blessed them.
Saints have become a big part of my life as I grow in faith. As I read and write about these amazing people, I feel blessed to have them guide me in my faith journey.
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Copyright 2016 Pam Spano
About the Author
Pam Spano
Pam Spano converted to the Catholic faith as an adult over 30 years ago. Her conversion story started when she sarcastically said to her Catholic boyfriend at the time, "I suppose if we were to get married, you would want me to convert." He thought for a moment and said, "Well, I am worried about your soul." And so the journey began ...