"Who is Your Hero" by Ellen Mongan (CatholicMom.com) Via Pixabay (2011), CC0 Public Domain

“You are my hero!”

Those are the words that just pop out of my mouth when I meet another mother. I know what is in the “job description” of raising a family. Unless you have walked a mile in the high heels of one who has children, you have no idea. It takes the strength of Rebecca who was willing to fetch the water for Abraham’s servant. Then had the energy left to bring jugs of water for ten camels! It takes the patience of Hannah who longed for a baby, and did not give up hope. When she could not endure any more she cried out to God from the depth of her soul. It takes the kindness of Abigail who brought a full picnic for David and his men, even when her generosity was discouraged by her husband. It takes the obedience of Esther, who gave up all, including her homeland and her people. Living in a foreign land, she won the favor of the king and saved the Jewish heritage. It takes the humility of the Blessed Mother who gave her surrendered, “Yes!” She put her trust in God alone and birthed the Savior of the world.

Moms are a little like these Bible characters of old. They too have to depend on the grace of God to do what they are called to do, to fulfill their vocation. A godly mother may be surviving on no sleep, a half a cup of coffee and a quick prayer sent up to our Holy God as she races out the door for a unexpected carpool. A mommy's life is unpredictable, overwhelming and chaotic at times. They are running the race to win maybe with holes in their sneakers and an empty tank, but a full heart of a mother’s love. I, who have been there and done that, have appointed myself to be the captain of the cheerleading team for young mothers, encouraging them in their vocation. I never tire of telling them, “Motherhood is the most important job you will ever do; after all, you are raising the next generations.” I have lived to see the fruit of my work, the good, the bad and even the ugly.

A godly mother’s role includes instilling virtues into their offspring and all the while, passing the faith down to them. It always saddens my heart when a woman who is asked what she does for a living says, “I’m only a mother.”

“No, you are more than a mother.” I respond, “You are raising children for the Kingdom of God.” Think about it, mom, if  your job is done diligently and prayerfully, you could be raising your son or daughter to become a saint. Saints are formed, not born. Only the Blessed Mother was “Full of Grace.” She is the perfect model for mothers. Let us walk in her footsteps.

Saints were ordinary people who did extra ordinary things. They did little things with great love; God’s love. Each saint had to come to the point in their own life where they realized that they were nothing. Coming to the end of themselves brought them face to face with our Holy God. It was then that the words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” became a reality. It was than they began to put their trust in God alone and depend on His love and his grace to fill them. They are praying for us, and teaching us through the example of their lives. The Saints are cheering us on in our daily duties. Each one of us has her favorite saint that we turn to in times of need. Which saint is the captain of your intercessory team?

[Tweet "Which #saint is the captain of your intercessory #prayer team? With @littlepinkdressministry"]

In the book of Hebrews, 12:1-2, we read,

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us*and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.”  

These are the heroes of our faith, along with the saints, cheering us on the road to heaven with prayer. They have done the journey and they know the way. Let us learn from the saints and then teach our children. There are saints walking among us, caring for their families, sometimes wearing jeans. Most of the time others, are unaware of their daily sacrifices and selfless love for their family members.

Moms will always be my heroes. Some may even be saints in the making. Let us ask God to open our ears to see the moms around us who may need a helping hand, or maybe an encouraging word. Please join me in cheering them on! It is an awesome responsibility to be a mom. As we begin each day, let remember to thank God for the awesome responsibility He has entrusted us with as Catholic moms. Let us teach, train and encourage our children to imitate the lives of the Saints. Let us go and do the same. Below is a prayer I wrote called,  "Jesus, I Offer You My Nothingness!"

Dear Jesus,

I offer You myself today in my nothingness. Today is a new day, let me live in You, for You and through You.

I come as a beggar asking You, Jesus, to use me today to be a vessel of Your love. I seek You alone.

Please fill me with Your unending Love, so I can pour it out to all I meet. If You do not fill me, I will have nothing to give them.

Let me be the hands of Veronica today to wipe the face of a stranger who is suffering,

Because that it was You did, Jesus!

Let me be Simeon to help shoulder someone’s Cross on my journey today

Let me be hospitable like Martha, Mary and Lazarus to friends and to strangers alike today.

Because that is what You did, Jesus!

Let me give as the “widow’s mite” and not count the cost. Today may I give not only of  my treasure but also let me take the time and use my gifts to bless others today,

Let me always see another’s need as greater than my own today and every day,

Because that is what You did, Jesus!

Let me be Your disciple.

Let me be willing to tirelessly teach the faith in love to those who seek Your Truth.

Because that is what You did, Jesus!

Let me be Your words of wisdom to the next generation.

Let me reach out to them with motherly arms,

Because that is what Your Mother did!

Let me be bold yet gentle like Your servant Esther if I come face to face with a Royal King, or a little child.

Let me be kind and submissive, yet prudent like Your servant Abigail to the strangers along life’s journey.

Let me be a woman of faith like Sarah, of patience like Elizabeth, and honoring like Ruth.

Most of all, Jesus, let me always have a heart of trustful surrender to Your plan for my life as the Blessed Mother did.

Give me eyes to see all I pass today through Your eyes, because Your eyes are eyes of  love and compassion.

Let me not miss the present moment to see You in each person I meet today. I know that that moment may never come my way again. So today let me show to them Your loving care,

Because that is what You would do, Jesus!

Give me ears to hear Your voice as I speak to each stranger or friend I meet today. Give me the ability to take the time to listen between the lines as they speak.

Give me an understanding heart. Let me listen intently because I know that that conversation may never take place again.

Give me the self-control and patience to take the time now,

Because that is what You would do, Jesus!

Let me be Your hands today Jesus, hands that willingly meet the needs of those You bring to me.

Give me hard working hands and a giving heart to serve them. I know this opportunity to serve them may not come my way ever again.

So give me the grace to say, “Yes,” without any stress. One thing I know, if You want me to serve them You will give the grace I need.

You will also keep me in perfect peace, so help me to have a servant’s heart,

Because You would do that, Jesus!

Let me open my heart wide today to Love and be loved out of Love for You. Freely pour into my heart Your Love and fill me to overflowing.

Let me not keep this Love for myself, rather let me pour this Love out on all I meet for I may not pass this way again,

Because You would do that, Jesus!img_4801

I am nothing without You and without You today I can do nothing good at all.

So as I begin this day, I empty myself before You and give You my willing, “Yes!” I surrender to Your will for me today.

I call upon You again to fill me with Your Love because You are Love.

Let me Love Your people today and be Your vessel of Love. Let me draw others to Your Love.

“Here I am Lord I have come to do Your will today.”

My willingness and my nothingness is all I have to give You!

Jesus, I love You. Amen!


Copyright 2016 Ellen Mongan