Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 7: 21, 24-27

My heart’s desire is to enter the kingdom of heaven and spend eternity with God, so my ears always perk up whenever Jesus speaks about requirements. This passage calls me to listen closely to Jesus’ words, and to act on them - mere lip service just won’t do.

This came home to me more clearly when our son Steve was in second grade, preparing for first Holy Communion. Our pastor was having practice Mass for Steve’s class, and three of us parents joined them. Fr. Len hadn’t expected to distribute communion and had no consecrated Hosts, so after practice he went to bring some for us. Having some errands to run, I left. As I approached my car, it occurred to me - what am I doing leaving without receiving the Eucharist? If what my son is learning is really true - if Jesus Christ is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament - what on earth am I doing leaving without receiving Him?

I went back, but too late. Fr. Len saw I had left, so he consumed the Host he had brought for me. As I returned to my car, all the teachings I had heard about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist echoed in my mind, and I thought about how I would act differently if I truly believed what I had been taught. I resolved to begin attending daily Mass and to become intentional about matching my actions to the words I professed each day. As I did so, the Reality of God’s presence grew, along with a deep love for the Eucharist. My house was being built solidly on rock, and the rains and floods of these last 25 years since Steve’s first Holy Communion have not been able to collapse it.


How am I being either a stepping stone or a stumbling block to others on the journey?


Holy Spirit, show me the ways my words don’t match my actions. May I be an encouragement to others by living the truth I profess.


Copyright 2016 Ann F. Radtke

Ann Radtke is a mom, grandmother, spiritual director, and fellow traveler on the journey of daily encounters with God.