Today's Gospel: Luke 7, 18b-23 - St. John of the Cross

I’m struck by the description of just how much Jesus was doing to change the lives of those around him. It is quite a list, and it includes healing of the body, mind and spirit.

I also have an image of John the Baptist listening to this inventory of miracles, but still asking his disciples to go back and ask, “Are you sure its you?”

How many times have I seen evidence of Jesus’ works around me…some of which have been subtle, with others being so grand…and still wondered, “Lord, was that you?”

Are my doubts causing me to stumble? Are my doubts preventing me from acquiring clarity of thought and/or pureness of faith?


What/who is preventing me from a clearer recognition of Jesus’ presence in my life?


Lord, still the noises and part the mists that prevent me from recognizing you and all that you do. Help me to recognize your presence in my life and in our world.


Copyright 2016 Anne Halloran Tortora

Married to my very best friend for 37 years, mother of wonderful sons and blessed with a jewel of a daughter-in-love. Music educator, doctoral student, cantor, Franciscan in spirit, but Jesuit in inquiry. I veil in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, and do it by choice.

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