Today's Gospel: Matthew 10, 17-22 - St. Stephen

'Do not worry...'

As a mother, these are words that often fall flat with me. In my day, there are so many things that can cause me anxiety. Will my children ever stop fighting? Will they ever enjoy going to Mass, instead of complaining about how long and boring the service is? Will I ever feel secure in my parenting and ever feel like I'm doing enough? Will I ever feel worthy enough of this amazing blessing of being a mother to many?

If I let myself linger long enough, fear and anxiety can be paralyzing. In the quiet of the night, when the children are sleeping, I have to fight hard against the worry that creeps in, the voice that taunts me with insecurity and doubt.

In today's Gospel, this line stands out to me as a beacon.

" not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say"

It's a reminder to me that I don't have to have all the answers. God doesn't expect me to be utterly, perfectly prepared. What He asks is that I rely fully on Him, drawing on His strength and perfection.


Do you struggle with fear or anxiety in your life? Have you asked God to help you to lay fear aside and trust in Him?


Jesus, help us to follow the example of Saint Stephen and place our confidence in you. May we bravely stand before the world as witnesses for You.


Copyright 2016 Dianna Kennedy

Dianna Kennedy is a homeschooling mother of six, including identical twins. At The Kennedy Adventures, she shares practical tips and tricks for living the Catholic faith, thoughts on a large family, along with her misadventures in homeschooling.

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