Many of you know about the New Year's Resolution to be one of prayer, and the daily devotional, The Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion. It is always easier to pray if one has a routine and the encouragement of others. Facebook and social media make it easy for all of us to have a daily moment when we stop and steep in scripture or meditate on God's grace, goodness and the joys of being a child of God or to remind each other of these same things.
But what about having a Catholic Prayer Companion to walk with you the whole year as you try to enter deeper into your relationship with God? What about having a friend who you KNOW has a deeper relationship with God, and whose only interest is in helping you to do the same?
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The saints of the Church are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and they have walked through the trials of life and found God's grace to see them all the way home. They've known God's unshakable love, even when their own love was shaky. They've participated in the redemptive sufferings of Christ and lived the Beatitudes in both big and little ways.
Want a friend like that to walk with you this year? You can pick one you love, one you want to know better, one you've always found interesting, or you can consider this very cool program created by Jen Fulwiller, the Saint Generator. Having used this for several years, I've come to know the charity of Saint Valentine, the humor and intellectual vigor of Saint Aldophous Liguoiri and learned the story of Saint Cecilia. This year, the generator pulled out all the stops and gave me the Blessed Virgin Mary.
So pick a saint for the year, and ask them to pray with you daily, and learn about them as you go, you'll discover a life long faith friendship, both with them, and a deeper one with Our Lord. We're always part of this bigger family. It's time we started getting to know them.
Copyright 2016 Sherry Antonetti
About the Author

Sherry Antonetti
Sherry Antonetti is a freelance writer, high school teacher and a blogger at Patheos. She and her husband live in Maryland with nine of their ten children and a puppy named Pumpkin.