"50 Things to Do if You Can't March Tomorrow #marchforlife" by Sherry Antonetti (CatholicMom.com) March for Life 2016. Photo courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com, copyright 2016. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Every day we have the opportunity to witness to the culture of life or death. We forget that the culture of life we want to build involves everyone. So tomorrow, if you cannot be in the March for Life in Washington, DC for whatever reason, use the gift of 24 hours on January 27, 2017 to witness to the culture of life.

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Here are 50 ways:

50) Give food to the local pantry.
49) Visit the sick.
48) Hug your children.
47) Call a friend you’ve lost touch with over time.
46) Write an op-ed to the newspaper on pro-life issues.
45) Pray a family rosary.
44) Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
43) Enter a marathon to raise money for charities that support the mentally handicapped.
42) Volunteer at a school to serve at recess or in the library.
41) Find out what your local pregnancy center needs; organize a drive.
40) Fast or abstain today.
39) Go to an extra Mass a week as a sacrifice for those who need the graces to say no to the easy out the world gives.
38) Read and meditate on today’s Gospel.
37) Call your representative to let them know you care about the pro-life issue.
36) Educate yourself about the HHS mandate and its effects on Catholic health services and on religious liberty.
35) Pray at the sidewalk of a clinic.
34) Go to Adoration.
33) Give up something for the year, as a sacrifice for the sake of the unborn.
32) Call a friend who is expecting; offer to watch their kids or cook a meal or just go visit.
31) Read to your children.
30) Write a letter to your family about why you are pro-life.
29) Study the Theology of the Body.
28) Rent Juno or Bella.
27) Volunteer to hold children in the NICU that suffer from addictions.
26) Go to a Special Olympics meet.
25) See if your Parish has a pro-life committee; find out when they meet. Put it on the schedule.
24) Take your children out to eat; sit at the restaurant. Enjoy their presence.
23) Pick up the trash in your neighborhood.
22) Donate time/talent/service to a homeless shelter.
21) If the subject comes up, speak out.
20) Spend some time talking about abortion with your older children.
19) Go to reconciliation.
18) Consider abandoning birth control or talking to someone about how it injures relationships.
17) Turn off the television when it exploits women or sensationalizes violence and meaningless sex.
16) Bring flowers to the Church to lay at the feet of the Virgin Mary.
15) Bake something to share with your family.
14) Invite people over to break bread.
13) Ask someone else what they want to do. Then do it.
12) Contemplate the loss of memories, laughter and light that 54 million souls lost to this Earth could have brought.
11) Commit to a budget; have giving as part of the monthly expenses that are not negotiable.
10) Babysit for some couple so they can have a date night.
9) Visit a cemetery today. Pray for the souls departed.
8) Call or visit a widow or widower; listen.
7) Talk to your spouse about adoption.
6) Listen to the speeches/Mass/events of the March for Life.
5) Pray for those who travel to it.
4) Sell cupcakes or pizza or what have you to raise money for a pregnancy center.
3) Create or join a prayer group.
2) Become informed about all the ways in which the Culture of Death is trying to advance. Wesley Smith of First Things, Jill Stanek, and the blog When Mary Met Dolly are three excellent sources.
1) Feeling overwhelmed? Recognize that this is a battle we are called to participate in; we are not required to win it. We are mere foot soldiers. Have some hot chocolate and remember: prayer is the most powerful thing we can do.

Feel free to add some in the combox.

"50 Things to Do if You Can't March Tomorrow #marchforlife" by Sherry Antonetti (CatholicMom.com) March for Life 2016. Photo courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com, copyright 2016. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2013, 2017 Sherry Antonetti