Today's Gospel: Matthew 5, 13-16 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The interesting thing about salt and light is they are of limited or no use in and of themselves. Salt tablets can help someone who is fainting, and laser-light shows can be cool. But if you think about it, salt and light are essential only by what they provide to the other.

The human body requires salt to live, but we humans consume salt when it is added to or is already present in food. Moreover, salt enhances the character of that food so that it is more enjoyable. So, to the extent salt is present or added to the food we eat, it helps nourish our bodies and gives us pleasure.

In the same way, we need light, not for light itself, but to see. Our eyes are useless without light. Indeed, even the blind can recognize the light.

What is it about the disciples that our Lord calls salt and light? Isn’t it the Lord Himself? What use would the disciples be to others, if not for the salt and light of Jesus they carry in themselves?

My talents are so meager, Lord. And my faith is so lacking. Yet I have your light shining in me, a light of infinite mercy and compassion.

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In what ways do I have a false sense of humility about myself, and how does that act as a basket, covering up what the Lord desires to accomplish through me?


Heavenly Father, you call us to shine the light of your Son in everything we do. Help us to recognize that no matter how humble we may think our efforts, that we can do all things in Him who strengthens us.


Copyright 2017 Kiernan O'Connor

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