Today's Gospel: Luke 11, 29-32

Did you notice this Gospel reading opens when the crowds gathering around Jesus were actually increasing? Christ’s angry reaction to this growing number of followers is shocking at first glance. However, these people were really curiosity seekers, who were not humbly looking for the truth with open minds, but arrogantly seeking proof with closed hearts; all the while convinced Jesus was a phony. Jesus calls them evil because they demanded a sign to authenticate His claims.

God Incarnate was walking on the earth, articulating the very words of the Almighty to those who were hungry for truth, all while supernaturally healing, loving and serving the poor. I have been struck speechless from the vibes radiating from a truly holy man of God but can you imagine the warmth and power which must have emanated from Jesus? There was need no further evidence needed from heaven than Christ’s very own person.

Jesus, God’s Anointed One, was the sign, but they rejected Him then; and we reject Him still today. The Ninevites heeded God's warning when Jonah spoke to them, and repented. And the Queen of Sheba recognized God's wisdom in Solomon. May we be given the grace to repent as well in the presence of the Living Christ.

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In what ways do I demand proof from God before I am willing to believe?


Lord, shine the light of truth on my mind and grant me a spirit of repentance.


Copyright 2017 Melanie Jean Juneau

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