Today's Gospel: Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24A

In today’s Gospel, St. Joseph doesn’t say a word. In fact, not a single word of his is recorded in any of the gospels. St. Joseph was the quintessential strong and silent type.

He didn’t talk much, but he got things done. When confronted by the crisis of Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, he contemplated a “quiet” divorce in order to spare her the shame of being denounced publicly. But St. Joseph waited for a sign of God’s will, and God sent an angel winging into Joseph’s dreams.

“Do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home,” the angel commanded. Joseph recognized the angel somehow. Perhaps the divine messenger’s eyes glowed with the fire of exploding stars, or his voice shimmered with cymbals. But Joseph knew and heard and obeyed.

The next morning, “when Joseph woke,” the Gospel tells us, “he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.” No hesitation, no doubt, no attachment to his own carefully contemplated plan. Joseph’s silence allowed him to discern and follow the will of God as soon as it was revealed.

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How often do we wait quietly and patiently to discern the will of God in our lives? How often do our words or our plans get in the way?


Lord, let me devote some quiet moments to you today. Let me sit silently in prayerful contemplation, listening for your voice.


Copyright 2017 Karee Santos

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