"Music that moves: Lupe Rios" by Allison Gingras (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2017 Allison Gingras. All rights reserved.

This month, I wanted to introduce Catholic singer/songwriter Lupe Rios.

Lupe was born in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, México. His family immigrated to the United States from Mexico as a young boy. On his website, www.lupedifranco.com, Lupe's describes what this life-changing move meant to his desire to share his music, "I used to love singing at bullfights in México, but when we moved to this country, instead I sang romantic songs that reminded me of the serenades that I had hoped Iʼd sing to my amorcito, and of Mariachis at the plaza after evening Mass. I later immersed myself in religious music which helped upkeep my identity as a proud Roman Catholic Mexican."

"Music that moves: Lupe Rios" by Allison Gingras (CatholicMom.com) Courtesy of Lupe Rios. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

One of his new songs, A Prayer Like His, off his Paradisum album, seemed a perfect Lenten installment for the scriptural faith sharing Music that Moves Us series.

First, take a moment to enjoy Lupe's melodic piano playing, soothing voice, and prayerful lyrics:


This month's "Seeking Scripture" segment is inspired by these lyrics, from A Prayer Like His:

"On the Mount of Olives He prayed, “Father if possible, let this cup pass from me”. On my knees, dear Lord, I do pray, “Why all my suffering, if it is you I seek?” Will you remain with me when all the light disappears, and the darkness surrounds me? Surrounds me. And will you be my shield against the threat of the foe, against the constant temptation to let go?"

[Lupe Rios, Digital Booklet for Paradisum]

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Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Jesus Prays for His Disciples 

Jesus Teaches Us To Pray



After spending time reading how and when Jesus prayed, what can you now incorporate into your own prayer life? Do you discount or maybe even dislike reciting the Lord's Prayer because you have said it for so long? True confession: I had NO IDEA this prayer came directly from Christ until I read the Gospel as an adult. I am sure it was taught in my Religious Education classes but somehow I missed that important fact. What a gift to have Jesus' teachings and words to guide our prayer life over 2000 years later.

Along with the prayers of the Church, such as the Hail Mary and Lord's Prayer, I love to use music as a form of prayer. How could you incorporate Lupe's song, as well as his other beautiful pieces, into your prayer time?


To learn more about Lue Rios and his music visit www.lupedifranco.com.

Copyright 2017 Allison Gingras