I have a friend who prays constantly. The way the Bible says we should pray – without ceasing. She has conversations with God all day long – quick little cries for help or spontaneous moments of praise. This is the kind of prayer life I strive for, but to be perfectly honest, my prayers are often limited to morning, meals and night. Oh, and times of crisis. But not the mundane moments of daily life.
So, I asked her how she does it. How does she think to talk to God in the midst of her busy day? She’s a single, working mom of six kids – so if she can do it, then certainly I can, too. She told me that it comes naturally to her now, but that she sometimes uses triggers to remind her to pray. Like the way I offer up a prayer every time I see an ambulance or hear a siren. Only the triggers are more personal . . . more frequent . . . more specific.
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As I contemplated my plan for praying continuously, I identified several routine triggers that I can use to remind me to pray for my family. Times throughout my daily schedule when I can naturally stop and have a quick conversation with my Creator. Here they are:
7 Unlikely Opportunities to Pray for Your Family
- Laundry time. As you fold laundry or iron, pray for the person who wears each item of clothing. Ask the Lord to clothe your child with strength and dignity [Proverbs 31:25] and dress him in the armor of God, standing firm in truth, righteousness, peace, faith and the Holy Spirit. [Ephesians 6:10-18]
- Meal prep. Say a quick prayer for each child when you are packing lunches, making dinner or setting the table. Pray that God sustains your child with living water and provides spiritual nourishment through His word. [John 7:37]
- Appointment time. Every time you make an appointment for a family member to visit the dentist, doctor or hair stylist, say a prayer for the person you are scheduling. Ask the Lord to keep your child free from illness and that he protect them from harm. [Psalm 41:2-3]
- Carpool line. Instead of talking on the phone or listening to a podcast, pray for the child you are picking up while you are waiting in line. Take the moment to be still and know that God is with you and with your child. [Psalm 46:10]
- Homework time. If homework time is a breeding ground for arguments in your house, use that as a trigger to pray that God will help your child develop wisdom and know that He will generously provide. While you are at it, pray for your child’s teachers - past, present and future. [James 1:5]
- Soccer practice. While watching your child practice his sport or music or hobby, instead of becoming frustrated that the practice is running late, pray that God will help your child develop his/her gifts and use them to serve others, and become an example of your love among his/her peers. [1 Peter 4:10]
- Running errands. When you find yourself stuck in traffic or waiting in line or simply frustrated at having to spend the day running unexpected errands, take a moment to rejoice and be glad for the day the Lord has made. Thank the Lord for your child as you drop off a forgotten homework assignment or stop by the grocery store for a last-minute contribution to the class party. [Psalm 118:24]
What other triggers can you think of for turning our mundane moments into powerful prayers?
Copyright 2017 Theresa Ceniccola