Today's Gospel: Matthew 5:33-37

What a prescription for keeping our word! As a writer, I am obsessed with words, with their meaning and history. I cling to this verse because it resonates so deeply with me. Instead of doing verbal gymnastics, swearing by earthly or heavenly things, Jesus is asking us to be simple and honest: say what we mean and mean what we say. How else are we to build trust in our relationships?

I think this also applies to our relationship with Jesus. We should want to spend a few minutes reading Scripture daily. After all, that’s Jesus talking to us. If we commit to praying the rosary daily, just imagine how much closer we will be to Jesus and Mary. I pray the rosary best when walking and there are days when I’m unable and I find myself missing it. It takes me a while to figure out that I can pray in bed. Confession: I am very fond of napsio divina. I think Jesus understands.

Nowhere is keeping our word more important than in the taking of marriage vows. In our no-fault divorce culture, many couples seem to have forgotten the meaning of the words they uttered: "I take you ... in sickness and in health ... till death do us part." They are part of a ceremony but when the going gets tough, as it’s bound to because men and women are different and will always have conflicts, people forget their vows. Or is it that they did not mean them in the first place? Let us cultivate Jesus’s teaching on oaths in our young people who are in our care. Let us, by our example and instruction, teach them the power of words and the importance of keeping our word.

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Do you ponder before you speak, make a promise, say yes or no?


My dear Jesus, guard my tongue. Let me use it to always praise and glorify You. Teach me to keep my word, just as You have kept Yours.


Copyright 2017 Vijaya Bodach

Vijaya Bodach is a scientist-turned-children’s writer, an atheist-turned-Catholic. She is also a wife, mother of two teenagers, pet-wrangler, teacher, speaker, Latin Mass lover, and chorister. She is the author of over 50 supplemental science books for children and 60 magazines pieces in leading children’s magazines. She writes about family, faith, books, and writing at

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