Today's Gospel: Matthew 10:26-33 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My response to bible verses about birds has always been one of frustration.

Matthew 6:26 says, “Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?”

To which my ungrateful response has always been, “Well, what do we make of the dead birds we see all the time?” Unfortunately, I interpreted this comforting and hopeful verse it as an empty promise that falls apart if you ask just a few more questions.

Today’s verse changes that for me: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge.”

Rather than promising comfort and life in the form of the health of all birds, God instead shows me that even when death happens, He’s at the helm.

Birds that die are not the exception to God’s love - they’re the completion of God’s love.

And that’s where the trust can come in if I let it. Am I willing to trust that God’s hand is behind the events of my life? Can I embrace the good things and the bad things that come as a part of my spiritual journey? And can I look forward to the end of that journey as a planned and beautiful thing?

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Do I trust that God’s hand is behind every dip and swell in my life? Do I trust that every good thing I have is truly meant for me, and that God has planned the best possible plan for me?


Lord, help me see Your love in every bird - the flying ones, the eating ones, the beautiful ones, and even the dead ones. Give me faith that every step of my faith journey is in Your hands.


Copyright 2017 Hannah Jean Kahn

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