Today's Gospel: John 20:24-29

On this feast day honoring St. Thomas, we can look at a few of his characteristics. We start with the familiar scene where Thomas isn’t present for the first Upper Room appearance of the risen Lord. Thomas speaks to a portion of people down through the ages: “Unless I see….” Yes - with ego-centered hubris, many seek a personally gifted vision of the object of our Faith. Artists who convey St. Thomas show him touching the wounds of Christ. And so, for those who struggle with a weak, proof-demanding faith: St. Thomas, make real the wounds of Christ to us.

Do you recall the Last Supper scene where Jesus says he is going to go to prepare a place for them so that they could come and be with Him? It was Thomas who didn’t think that they had been given the GPS instructions. Jesus answered with a beautiful gift of assurance that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. For those of us who fret about the details of how we can best find ultimate assurance: St. Thomas, be our guide.

But wait. There’s more! During the late hours of the ministry of Jesus before his crucifixion, Jesus says that he wants to go to back to Judea to visit his friend Lazarus and to have a relaxing dinner with Mary and Martha. The apostles knew that this was a potentially dangerous thing to do. The Jewish authorities are getting ready to take steps to arrest and stop the work of this Jesus.

What does Thomas say to his peers? “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” (John 11:16) For those of us who are weak about publicly demonstrating or defending the faith: St. Thomas, pray for us.

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Where are the weaknesses in my faith or in my relations with the Risen Lord? Let me ask St. Thomas to intercede for me and those who struggle as I do.


St. Thomas, today I ask you to be my guide to union with Jesus whom you loved and followed so wonderfully.


Copyright 2017 Deacon Tom Fox

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