Today's Gospel: Matthew 10:7-15

I am a problem solver. Nothing gives me more joy than fixing a difficult situation. It's a very handy character trait when there's a problem in my own life or household, or when someone asks me for help.

It wasn't such a great quality when I couldn't shut it off. That's when I gave unsolicited advice, or took over completely when someone merely asked for my opinion (just ask my husband about that).

Before I got a handle on things, I used to meddle in other moms' lives. I did so because I thought I was helping. Looking back I realize, who was I to judge what was right for them?

I routinely forgot that everyone is on her own unique journey for a reason. God has preordained each of our paths, and He is the only one who can fix things properly when we choose the wrong ones.

I've learned the hard way that the greatest gift I can give another mom is a prayer for peace. Peace may not solve the outward chaos in any of our lives. But praying peace over another mom, and her household, fills her heart with grace. When a mom's heart is full of God's grace and peace, she can calmly handle anything that life throws her way.

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Am I guilty of trying to fix other people's problems, even when I haven't been asked? Have I ever tried praying for their peace instead?


God, please remind me that You are the Master Fixer, not me. Help me to replace my advice for others with prayers for their peace instead.


Copyright 2017 Claire McGarry

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