"Are you looking up?" by Elizabeth Desiderato (CatholicMom.com) Via Pixabay (2017)

These last couple of weeks have been very difficult for my family. We have been dealing with a stressful situation and trying to figure out how we can overcome it. Even though I have tried my very best to start every day, even every moment with hope, sometimes it just didn't seem possible.

Thankfully, I have prayer warriors praying for us, which is a great way to feel supported and blessed. But my body began to ache from how heavy my cross had become -- and maybe not even the cross but merely splinters. I tried to remind myself that Jesus carried his cross and died on it! I should offer mine up and keep going. So, I did, but as I was carrying my cross and dealing with the splinters I was looking down. I was focusing too much on the weight I carried and not on how Jesus was carrying me and all the things that were better in our lives.

On one of these dreary days in the hot summer, a spontaneous shower came down in the afternoon. My aunt and I had been running errands, and when we were walking out of the store she said, "Look up, it's a rainbow!" and I did and I continued to look up for several minutes.

[tweet "Don't focus on the weight of your cross; focus on how Jesus carries you."]

I really believe God was reminding me that no matter the circumstance he is there to help me find the many reasons to look up.

Copyright 2017 Elizabeth Desiderato