tech talk redesign I received another slew of messages in my email inbox. Too many. There were companies trying to offer me “deals that end today,” other writers needing reviews, Bible verses, work emails, and emails I had subscribed to that are supposed to be my fun, encouraging read for the day. It was too much. Inundated, I moved on to social media where I was again solicited, messaged, and overwhelmed. When did a form of communication I loved become a source of stress? It is time to reevaluate my subscriptions! If I am feeling this way, how do others feel who must choose which sites and articles they click on? Why should they choose I spent much of the evening pondering this question and I wanted to share my five reasons for picking this site as one I did not want to delete. 1/Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C. and Holy Cross Family Ministries This year, became a part of Holy Cross Family Ministries. As such, we have a farther reach, broader issues, and amazing wisdom from Father Willy. We have more resources and information for our readers than ever before. 2/The Contributors The contributors are like YOU, the reader. We are Catholic, wives, moms, daughters, sisters, alone or with a spouse, struggling and rejoicing! We are moms of toddlers, tweens, teens, adults and we are grandmothers. We have special-needs kids, gifted kids, diabetic kids, average kids, sick kids, healthy kids -- and every size, shape, and color of kid! We have been where you are, and we are trying to get to heaven … together. 3/Lisa and Barb We are so blessed to have an amazing founder, Lisa Hendey, and editor, Barb Szyszkiewicz! Blogs are well-written, edited, concise and authentically Catholic. You can trust what you find on; the blogs are raw and honest. 4/Catholic At, you will find Catholic principles that are Catholic, not political. Blogs focus on social justice issues, Church teaching, and overall morality. You will not have to cringe when you glance at the blogs here, and you will be challenged to live a vibrant Catholic life. Readers are soothed when they are hurting and find someone to walk with them on their faith and life journey. 5/We pray for our readers and, dear readers, we hope you pray for us as well. God bless and Happy New Year! Read more of our Tech Talk columns.
Copyright 2018 Mary Lou Rosien