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"Good enough is good enough" by Michele Faehnle (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Michele Faehnle. All rights reserved.[/caption] When I was asked to join a small faith-sharing group over 10 years ago, I didn’t know if I really had the time. With two little kids at the time and a part time job, I felt my plate was full and I didn’t really need the fellowship. However, in hindsight it was one of the best things I could have done for my faith life. What started as seven women around a kitchen table reading the scripture and enjoying each other’s company grew into a group of over 40 women from multiple parishes who met twice a month to read a women’s study together and talk about faith, life and family. I received support that I didn’t even know I was missing! Since this group meant so much to me, ten years later I started writing books with my faith-sharing friend Emily Jaminet that include a group study section, so other women could experience what we did. Over the years we have received so much positive feedback from groups that gathered together to read Divine Mercy for Moms and The Friendship Project. We understand how much moms really need each other’s support and encouragement, and that being part of a faith-sharing group is transforming to all those who participate. Today I am delighted to share about a new book and group study for moms by my friend and fellow author Colleen Duggan, Good Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of an Imperfect Catholic Mom, the newest Catholicmom.com book. In it, Colleen shares real feelings that many of us face, such as “not making the Catholic parenting grade” or comparing ourselves to other parents. Colleen shares her healing journey and how we can allow God’s healing mercies into our lives and  revitalize our families. Colleen has made it a priority to include group study questions and test them out with her friends, so you can read this book side by side with all your mom friends. I’m so excited to share a sneak peak of the book for you here. Colleen writes:
Shortly after the morning of toddler meltdowns, I attended spiritual direction with a priest friend. Through tears, I relayed all the ways I was “failing” as a mom. When I finished my litany, Father looked at me, puzzled, and said, “Colleen, did you think you were going to be a perfect parent?” It was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t have the chance to answer out loud, but silently I screamed, Yes! Father could see, after just five minutes of talking with me, that I had set completely unrealistic standards for myself. But I couldn’t see it yet. Failure wasn’t an option to me. I had too much at stake—my pride and ego, for starters, but also the lives of my children. I refused to repeat the generational sin of the past, and it was my job to eradicate that blemish from our family history. A laissez-faire approach to parenting wasn’t going to work. It was get it all right or else. My constant evaluation of my failure to make the parenting grade kept me joyless and frustrated. By the time I had my fourth baby, I became easily angered over random, irrational things and often lashed out at John, our children, or the clerk at the grocery store. Once I calmed down, I had trouble articulating why I was upset in the first place. John and I would have a fight, and, since neither of us had the tools to communicate effectively, we’d walk around the house in stone cold silence for days or even weeks until one of us apologized. I would lose my patience with one of the kids because they did something normal and kid-like, but the fact I lost my patience at all was so devastating to me I couldn’t forgive myself. I would berate myself for my perceived failures—my messy house, my ill-behaved children, my tense marriage—all day, every day. I was overly involved in service work, which did little to renew me personally and left me feeling drained. I was stuck in a series of unhealthy friendships where others didn’t know the real me. I listened to the struggles of everyone else—their marital issues and time management and parenting problems—while my own life was falling apart. I drove myself to keep a perfect house, be a perfect Catholic, look perfect, and maintain perfect familial relationships, and it was all a lie. Nothing was perfect, least of all me. The ruse all came crashing down one day in a moment so profound it would shift and ultimately begin to heal my crippling compulsiveness.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the book, what struck me the most was the very end of the book where Colleen shared her Litany of Humility for Parents. It was one of those truly eye opening prayers, and one I need to pray more often. I’ve included a little sample of it below, but to download the entire litany, visit Colleen’s website and subscribe to her newsletter (plus you’ll get more awesome tips and stories for your journey as a Catholic mom and a coupon code for the book.) I’ll admit, it's hard to pray, but it really gets to the heart of the matter.
O Jesus! Meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire to have my children and myself be esteemed as intelligent and accomplished in the eyes of the world, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire to have a picture-perfect Catholic family, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire to have it appear as if my family and I have it all together, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire to protect my children from all pain, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire to have my family, especially my children, and me praised, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire to have my family, especially my children, and me preferred to others, Deliver me, Jesus.
(This excerpt from Chapter 1 of Good Enough is Good Enough: Confessions of an Imperfect Catholic Mom is republished with permission of Ave Maria Press.)

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Copyright 2018 Michele Faehnle