Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 Mending the Heart: A Catholic Annulment Companion is a clear and loving explanation of the process in the Catholic Church called an annulment. Duffy leads her readers through the purposes and practical definitions of this process while regularly addressing the emotional challenges and difficulties of those facing a broken marriage situation. She accompanies her readers as a credible witness -- as one who has shared the road. Many myths persist in regards to the annulment process, which by definition, seeks to declare that a marriage bond (unbreakable covenant) was not a valid sacramental one. Duffy debunks each misrepresentation of the truth and explains terms like “invalid” and “impediments to marriage.” She walks readers step by step through the annulment process and names the specific canon-law grounds that might constitute an annulment being granted. With continual warmth and concern for her readers’ hearts, she simultaneously assures readers of the true existence of a marriage relationship and gives encouragement for when the going gets tough. Concerned with her readers' dignity and worth, she lovingly encourages them to bravely confront what may have been real obstacles to a valid marriage and suggests to them that the efforts are well worth it. The interior work required ends up being the very path to true healing and joy. Having someone calmly explain something when emotions are complex or intense can be a great gift for someone experiencing divorce. Like a loyal friend, Duffy accompanies her readers in their confusion and pain but also places her focus on the great graces that come with using this time to enter more deeply into a relationship with God. Mending the Heart is filled with the stories of many others who have traveled the road of devastating divorce, but who have allowed God to transform their crosses into glory. Since so many divorced people as well as their families and friends find themselves in confusion about what the Catholic Church ultimately offers, Duffy’s book is extremely timely and will likely welcome many hearts back to a deeper relationship with God and fellow Catholics. In this reader-friendly annulment companion, Lisa Duffy is your faithful companion. As she generously shares her own story, readers find the haunting and daunting task of annulment becomes less insurmountable. The warmth, humility, and expertise of Lisa’s own mended heart serves to accompany and encourage others to begin the beautiful process of finding theirs.

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