“My nieces and nephews spend increasingly long hours of their lives in the digital arena. If the Church isn’t present in a sufficiently sophisticated manner, then Christ is going to be missing from a huge aspect of their lives. So, for us, it’s about knowing: How do we engage people? How do we bring the presence of Christ into a different kind of environment?”Hearing that message nearly four years ago inspired me to work with my own parish as a volunteer to share Catholic themed content that was unique to our parish. Braving this new frontier allowed me to develop a strategy to help other parishes practice digital evangelization. We are called to be missionary disciples and sharing how you practice your faith is powerful! I share pictures of the ashes on my forehead, worship aids, quotes from my favorite Saints and more, with explanations of what they mean to me. So many people say that social media is so negative, but you can be the change you want to see and I challenge you to share #Jesusinyournewsfeed. Agree or disagree with the proliferation of the growing digital convergence in our lives, it is here to stay. Change is hard, but necessary for the life of our Holy Catholic Church to thrive for the next generation. It also provides an opportunity to bring younger members into ministry within your parish. As Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron says, “Share the beauty of our faith first before teaching the rules.” There is beauty within each parish that can be shared via social media and, as the Facebook administrator at American Martyrs parish in Manhattan Beach, I have helped develop a social media strategy that works. It’s simple, easy to follow and doesn’t require an inordinate amount of time or money. Posting items related to the following five themes works for me and they can work for your parish too.

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Copyright 2018 Sherry Hayes-Peirce
About the Author

Sherry Hayes-Peirce
Sherry Hayes-Peirce is a Catholic social media influencer, digital media strategist, blogger, conference speaker, podcast guest, and contributing author of the Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers. She serves as a lector at LMU Los Angeles. She is a parishioner at American Martyrs Catholic Community in Manhattan Beach, CA, serving as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Bereavement Minister, Earth Angel, Sisterhood Team Ministry, Widows Ministry, and Adorer.