Bobo: Mom, I need to go potty. Bean: Go potty. Bobo: Mom, I’m hungry. Bean: Here you go. Bobo: Mom, I need a napkin. Bean: Here’s one. Bobo: Mom, I need some water. Bean: Ok. Here.Real mom (me), sitting in the way front of the vehicle, is inwardly pleased that Bean is making Pretend Mom respond in such a nice, patient voice.
Bobo: Mom, I need some more water. Bean: I just gave you some. Bobo: I drank it all. I need more. Bean: Okay. Here. Bobo: I need more water again. Bean: Here you go.Here real mom (i.e., me) bursts into laughter, the kind of hearty guffaws that make tears stream down my face. It is so accurate to life.
Bobo (picking up speed): Mom, I need more water. More water. Mom. Mom. I’m thirsty. More water. More. Bean: Here. Here you go. Here. Here’s more.Suddenly struck by both the authenticity of what I was hearing (although in real life, anyone acting as impatiently as Bobo would have received a rebuke) and by how pathetic the life of Pretend Mom seems, Real Mom (me) starts sobbing. Aaaand scene.

Copyright 2018 Amanda Woodiel
About the Author

Amanda Woodiel
Amanda Woodiel is a Catholic convert, a mother to five children ages 14 to 6, a slipshod housekeeper, an enamored wife, and a “good enough” homeschooler who believes that the circumstances of life—both good and bad—are pregnant with grace. Her oldest son was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2022, which is providing plenty of opportunities to test that hypothesis.